Claudette Aleman

Person of Peace and Discipleship

“Can I invite my friend and her family to Friday night worship?” my friend, Sanicha, texted me.

“Of course!” I quickly responded.

Yes, of course. This is the whole idea of discipleship and planting movements. Rene has been reading about movements. He shared this quote with me about finishing Christ’s work in this generation from the book 24:14 – A Testimony to All Peoples by Stan Parks and Dave Coles.
“We need to model biblical approaches in ministry as well as teach them. For example, people need to understand how to look for and recognize a ‘person of peace’ as they enter new communities. This term comes from Matthew 10 and Luke 10, where Jesus gave instructions to His disciples. A person of peace is responsive, has a circle of influence and will open the door to that circle. Going in a needy state can often uncover a person of peace as they offer help. One of my favorite ways of finding such a person is to begin a spiritual conversation. If someone shows interest, I don’t just keep talking with them; I ask whether they know of others who might have [an] interest in discussing such matters. If they do, I ask if they would be willing to gather them. If they are willing, I have quite likely found a person of peace.”

I love this practice. Finding an influential person, unreached or Christian, that will open the door to their sphere of influence makes sense. When I did Bible work during my college years, they taught me to look for potential leaders, but I was never taught to give this simple invitation, nor thought to on my own: “Do you know others who would like to discuss this matter?” Why not ask this uncomplicated and genuine question to spread the gospel? Paul gave this very instruction in 2 Timothy 2:1-2: “As for you, my son, be strong through the grace that is ours in union with Christ Jesus. Take the teachings that you heard me proclaim in the presence of many witnesses, and entrust them to reliable people, who will be able to teach others also.”

Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to place in front of each of us those with whom we may have spiritual conversations. Then, let us be bold enough to ask them who they know that might like to study the Bible, get together for prayer, or read an inspirational book. I used to meet with friends once a week to share about our lives and talk about parenthood, and they would ask me to have prayer at the end of our time together. I know God planted seeds in their hearts because of the growth some of them have experienced. Like my friend, you may have a friend that can open the door to their sphere of influence.

My friend Sanicha is a Christian and a “person of peace.” I believe God will use us together for a mighty work here in Khon Kaen.

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