
The Reach-Out project reaches the You people in Central Asia.

AFM has ministered to the You people of Central Asia since 2005.

About the People

The You* people of central Asia are a Muslim minority group that numbers about eight million. Their ancestors were nomadic herders and caravan drivers who were key middlemen in the trade between the orient and Europe. Today, many You people are involved in businesses like manufacturing, oil drilling, mining and transportation. The You people are generally proud, happy and independent, despite the political, religious and ethnic conflicts they have experienced, some of which are ongoing.

About the Project

The You people group is under government pressure to change their traditional beliefs and way of life. Their Muslim faith is frowned upon, and government schools teach atheism to their children. Christians in this area are also persecuted. Mission agencies work with the You people, but there are very few converts and no native You church. More than five million You people have never heard of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Name changed to protect missionaries and the people to whom they minister.

People-Group Stats

  • Population: 8 million
  • Trade language: Undisclosed
  • Religion: Islam

    Serving this Project

    • Timothy Au Sable

      Short-term missionary for 2021

    • Gabriel & Mara Rocha

      AFM-Brazil Short-term missionary for 2021.

    • Vitor Melo

      AFM-Brazil Short-term missionary for 2020

    • Daniel Rios

      AFM-Brazil Short-term missionary for 2019.

    • Aaron & Rebecca Jonas

      Career Missionaries since 2010.

    • Elijah & Beth Williams

      Career Missionaries since 2005.

    Project Update

    Entered area in 1995.

    • Baptisms — 2

    Previously served here

    • Daniel Rios

      AFM-Brazil Short-term missionary for 2019.

    • Daisy Wallace

      Short-term Missionary from 2014-2015.

    • Karl & Kristina Johnson

      Career Missionaries from 1995-2001.

    • True & Sierra Andrews

      Career Missionaries from 1999-2008.

    • Joshua Goodson

      Student Missionary from 2013-2014

    • Lloyd Lavik

      Student Missionary from 2012-2013.

    • Josiah Miller

      Student Missionary from 2012-2014.

    • Charles Brunsworth

      Student Missionary from 2011-2012.

    • Joshua Taylor

      Student Missionary from 2011-2012.